our team

Paisley Wildman

Paisley is the social media strategist at Small Great Ventures, bringing good news to the fingertips of many. When she’s not absorbed in one of her three screens, you can find her outside, balancing her “very online-ness” with nature immersion.

Since 2016, Paisley has partnered with purpose-driven brands in the tech and consumer goods sectors, amplifying their online presence through heartfelt storytelling rooted in human-centered missions. Her strategic approach has driven notable successes, such as leading an advocate program of 250+ creators globally and coordinating product features in shows topping 1.25 billion viewing minutes. Once, her work was re-tweeted by Guy Raz. She could probably hold up one end of a conversation using emojis alone.

As a digital nomad, she thrives on exploration, appreciates experimentation and loves a good challenge. A recent transplant to New Zealand, she’s already dedicated to the kiwi way of connecting with nature through adventure, through grueling-but-rewarding treks, backcountry snowboarding missions and open water swimming whenever she gets the chance.

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A Great Newsletter

We give great advice on building things, partnerships, and creating impact.
When we get around to writing it down, we’ll (maybe) send it out in a dressed-up email.  

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