
What impact means to us

As a social impact venture studio, we get to build products altering the lives of our communities, not our founders.

We approach our work like writers of a choose-your-own-adventure book where the true hero is the end user.  We define our impact as creating work that leaves our planet better than we found it. And, we fundamentally believe the path to healing our planet begins with healing our communities, increasing accessibility to mental health resources, unlocking our political gridlock, and making sure anyone who wants to can be a thriving member of our financial system.

We designed a profit-serves-purpose approach that:

  • Takes the best from Silicon Valley (lean startup methodology, agile development, ambitious vision)
  • Removes toxic business tactics (blitz scale, venture-capital-over-profits, grow first ask questions later)
  • Adds in everything we’ve tried, failed at, and learned along the way.

We call this our small great methodology.

Our small great methodology

Phase 1

Validate the great ideas from the not-now ones.

We explore every aspect of potential impact with a bias for action and a focus on reducing partisanship, climate, mental wellness, and financial inclusion.

Phase 2

The foundation is the most vital aspect of any great business.

We provide structure and operational excellence from day one - from setting up team wide process to project management systems to financial modeling and growth strategies.

Phase 3

Experiment rapidly with impact as our north star.

Let's shoot for the stars and land on the moon. Successful impact companies are also successful, profitable companies.

What we bring to the impact table

Pipeline of vetted ideas

Built-in founding team

Network of founders & investors

how to work with us


We're looking for future CEOs to turn our ideas into thriving businesses and current CEOs who need cofounders.
Explore Ideas

Join our network

From financial inclusion to regen ag, our portfolio of companies are always on the look out for folks to join their teams.

A small great team

We're building the airplane as we fly it. Interested in adding your experience to our crew? 
Join Our Team

contact our small great team.

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A Great Newsletter

We give great advice on building things, partnerships, and creating impact.
When we get around to writing it down, we’ll (maybe) send it out in a dressed-up email.  

If you’d like to skim or dive deep into these insights - sign up! We’d love to have you.